
Monday, December 3, 2012

5 Months home

I can't say that we did anything amazing on Sunday.  We both were just moving slow and decided to have a pajama day and watch Christmas movies.  We did a little Skype and prepared for Monday.  To be honest I totally forgot it was 5 months yesterday that Maria came home.  So, how did I remember....this morning in the car Maria announced "5 months, America!"  It took me a minute, but I got it.  Yes, she still speaks in broken sentences if she can get away with isn't that she can't say a full sentence, it is more that she is doing the main words to get her point across.

Anyway tonight we took some Christmas pictures.  I needed to get some Christmas cards made here area a few.

Pippin didn't really want to be in the picture.

Libby loves the jingle it was easy to get her in some pictures.


  1. such a beautiful story
    such a beautiful daughter you have
    thank you for sharing her story with us "strangers"

  2. and thanks for sharing w' us that aren't "strangers"... but may be strange :)

    THANK YOU for letting me be such a part of your adoption story/taking me with you last year!!! (WOW! I'm so happy you blessed me with seeing you two together for the 1st times... And now wait for my 1st meeting with our little guy/probably feel a bit like you last year... which as you know wasn't so hot. But I am trying to take care of myself. (Have a massage scheduled for the 22nd.) ~Dora Beth
