
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Trip to the zoo

So, one of my co-workers for the past few years is starting a new job and wanted to get to meet Maria.  I asked her if she would be interested in going to the zoo.  We decided, kinda last minute to go today.  My amazing daughter only used her crutches to walk around the zoo!  She even surprised me by a few of the things she was willing to try.  She climbed into a big dino egg to get her picture taken...she had to get her legs over a tall step and stand in a curved bottom of the egg...not the easiest to do with braces on your legs or with her medical condition.  Now for some pictures...
Checking out some animals

She wasn't sure about going in there at first

Then didn't want to leave

Had to climb up some big steps for this too!

I think she would pose this way for all pictures it I let her

Watching the seals


In the BIG egg with a new friend

petting a calf

Playing with my co-worker

posing in the kangaroo pouch

getting tired

The above video was at the end of our time at the zoo.  She decided she wanted to walk on the rope swing bridge!  Totally shocked proud that she did an amazing job!


  1. Love the one w/ the kangaroo b/c it looks like she's thinking 'mom, are you really going to take this picture?' LOL. Looks like great times. She looks so good! And it is very tough to walk the zoo even w/out crutches. She did fantastic! Thanks for sharing.

  2. What a determined young woman you have as your daughter! She's ready for grabbing life by the horns... no pun intended... or maybe yes.

  3. Looks like you all had a blast! Good!!! :)
    Dora Beth
