
Friday, July 27, 2012

Friends left behind

I have spoken many times of Maria's friend "Z".  I don't know if the family that was sent his information sees him as part of their family or not.  I hope that I do hear something soon.  He is a wonderful boy who needs a family.  My friend Viviane even wrote a profile for it is:

Zane was born in 2000 and has been in orphanage care since infancy.  Zane is wheelchair-bound with scoliosis and cerebral palsy.  He is a bright and engaging boy that until recently was well loved and sheltered at an orphanage for younger children.  However, he was finally transferred to an older child home last month.  Zane makes friends easily and is developmentally on target aside from typical orphanage delays.
Zane’s best friend of over a decade was adopted to the United States in June and both children are heart-broken to see their lives so far apart now.
Well, yesterday Maria and I were on Skype with Manuela.  I was able to ask her about the 2 other children who are featured on the foundations' website that Maria talks about all the time.  Here is J's story.  J was born with some kind of syndrome (not sure what), he was not expected to live more than a few hours and now is a healthy 11 year old boy!  J was born missing the front part of his skull/forehead.  His brain was down lower than it should have been and being held in place only by the muscles and skin of the face.  His eyes were at the sides of his head instead of in front.  He really had no nose to speak of and on top of all of that he was missing a foot.  As I said they didn't expect this boy to live, but he did and he even started walking!  From what I have heard he scared the nurses and staff at the orphanage because they were so concerned he would fall and hurt his head/brain.  Well, he has had many surgeries...they placed some kind of man made forehead for him....repositioned his him a nose using a part of a different bone and he has a prosthetic foot.  Did I mention that he is developmentally and academically on target?  Well he is!  He goes to the public school in his town.  Is still watched over by the foundation that helped Maria and Z.  Manuela asked if there was any chance that someone would want to adopt him.  I'm not sure....but I have now put her in touch with someone to see if that is something that can happen for this little fighter!

I didn't find out much about the other boy "S".  I know he and J are at the same orphanage and that he has some kind of braces for his legs, but that the current staff really don't know how he is suppose to wear them and he often isn't wearing them when he should.

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