
Friday, March 2, 2012

In some ways the last month quickly flew by, in other ways it feels like it dragged on and on.  I have been waiting to hear about my Article 5 letter most of the month of February.  I did find out that the Bulgarian agency was going to have the interview at the US Embassy on Tuesday in order to get my Article 5 letter.  Still waiting to hear that they got it and that it is being translated. 

This time of waiting has been difficult.  I know that M is waiting anxiously for me to come back for her.  This wait is different for older children.  They understand that their new parents are coming back for them.  They have seen this happen with friends who have been adopted.  So, they wait....wondering which day their family will come to get them.  One of the questions that M asked on our last day together was, when would I come back for her.  I told her I hoped it would be in April or May.  I am still holding out hope and praying that it works for me to get her in May.  Although, if I could I would leave today to get her...heck I would go just to see her right now!  But I can't and so I'm stuck waiting, preparing things for her and missing her like crazy.  Here are a few things that I have recently gotten for M's room.  I just love the color the walls turned looks great with the bright pink accessories that are in the room.

M's headboard that came this week

A bear one of the teachers I work with made for M.....not sure what is going on with my camera, might have to think about getting a new one sometime soon

1 comment:

  1. Katherine, you are absolutely right. I am so glad to hear your little one is in a good place. Not all orphanages are bad places and I'm glad for that. I wish so much that our son wasn't in a terrible place. I wish it was better for all of the children there. Maybe at some point, it will be. Meanwhile, we just remain focused on getting him home quickly!
