
Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Yesterday was so long. We finally saw Maria around 11:30. She was fighting sedation medication and had tubes breathing for her. It was extremely hard to see and it instantly made me cry. But I also saw hope....I saw her follow instructions squeezing her hands, move her left leg and nod that she felt the doctor touching her upper right leg. It appears that the doctors were extremely careful with her nerves so far. We weren't sure when they were going to take her off the breathing machine last night, so after a lot of debating I ended up going to a hotel to get some uninterrupted sleep. I was shocked when we came in this morning and she was wide awake with no tubes. Honestly I have been kicking myself all day that I wasn't here with her. But she has done well. She isn't the most comfortable and has said several times she wants to go home. She has eaten and enjoyed watching tv most of the day.

We were finally told the plan for the rest of the surgery. Ortho will be going in tomorrow to do her spinal fusion. Surgery is scheduled for around 10am our time. Her Ortho thinks it will be around 8 hours, but after yesterday I'm expecting longer. Plastics will go in and make sure everything is nicely covered and protected. So, tomorrow will be another long day for us. We have felt so loved and supported. Friends from all over on FB have been sending us love and prayers. Many messages from our friends in Bulgaria and Switzerland.

Maria really is bouncing back quickly. The doctors are amazed at how well she is doing.



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