
Sunday, January 6, 2013

6 months home

I know I'm a few days late with this post.  Maria has now been home for 6 months!  It is hard to believe where we are now verses a year ago.  This time last year I was dealing with an unethical in country agency trying to get everything worked out.  After much frustration and anger it did get worked out and now I get to celebrate Maria being home with me.  I have no contact at all the the in country agency with the exception of the post placement reports (PPR) and very limited contact with my US agency.  To be quite honest the other adoptive families I have met along this journey are the ones who have been my biggest supporters.  They were the ones who supported me from afar while I was on my pickup trip.  They are the ones who were honest about the time frames and what to expect.  I am so happy that I now get to pay their support forward to other adoptive families in the process. 

As for Maria....she continues to do well.  She is becoming more and more fluent in English while maintaining her Bulgarian.  She is becoming more comfortable at school and doing better with her school work.  She even sang in front of the talent show with other 5th graders this past Friday.  He personality continues to become more and more her own.  Still a perfectionist at heart....but more willing to accept mistakes than she was.  Still sensitive and shy in a way.....but forever growing emotionally and opening up with the love she has in her family.  Still working on her telling when mom is teasing her.  Still ticklish....but now requests to be tickled.  Showing her maturity all the time.  She has been so responsible with her pierced ears.  She is just amazing and I love spending time with her.  I'm so excited to see what the next 6 months brings in our lives.

1 comment:

  1. You and Maria are both doing great and Maria is glowing with all your love and support. I do understand there are many frustrations that come with international adoptions on many realms and we develop many relations along the way. I've often wondered how those relationship change once the adoption is completed - does it end and we are left with an empty void - I don't understand although interested to know how your in country agency was unethical. You are an awesome mom to Maria.
