
Sunday, January 20, 2013


Oh of the joys of living in Iowa in the winter is the weather.  Ok, so there are times when I do not like snow.  I have had concerns about how Maria will manage in the snow for obvious reasons.  I have worried about it being too slick and her falling....but I also know she has to try.  So when it snowed prior to Christmas break she tried walking on snow and did a great job!  But the snow was short lived and she did not have snow pants at that point.  Today it snowed again....started off with the lightest snow and gradually got heavier.  We had a couple inches of fluffy snow.  Maria and I had a fun day staying warm and then decided that enough snow had fallen that she could go and play in it.

So, what prior experience has Maria had with the snow?  According to Maria she and Zack would get to go outside in their wheelchairs for short periods of time to play in the snow.  Not much time....never out of her chair.  Today was different....she walked outside (I was there in case she needed me), she got to sit on the ground (with a little help) and play!

She kept saying "Poor crutches."

She loved brushing the snow off her snow pants.


  1. YEAH!! Go Maria!
    Our kids had trauma triggers with each new snowfall, thank goodness we don't get it often! One has grown out of the triggers after 5 years, the other is almost there at 3 1/2 years home!
