
Monday, January 16, 2012

Some of you might know my amazing friend Yvonne.  She has been a wonderful advocate for Bulgarian children and adopting children with special needs.  She is also one of the two organizers for the Bulgarian Adoptee's Reunion (wonderful event if you can come).  She in now in the process of adopted two beautiful little boys from EE.  Earlier today someone posted a very ugly comment on her blog.  In true Yvonne fashion she addressed this person while maintaining her dignity and showed how intelligent she is.  Please read her post and pass it on to others.


  1. Thanks for sharing this... amazing how some people still live in the dark!

  2. At 1st I didn't want to pass it along - share those awful things... but then I thought it might help if someone gets "trolled" so did pass along the insite Yvonne had to some I know that blog and raise $ for their adoptoins - the best part being to pray for those who try to hurt us. (That applies to so much of our lives.) ~Dora Beth
