
Sunday, May 18, 2014

6 week appt

Maria has her 6 week appointment with her Ortho surgeon. She had x-rays taken....never fun to do. Then we went and talked to her surgeon. Things are healing nicely! So much so, that she is sitting up now! She can start PT and we even got the ok for some wheelchair basketball as long as it isn't too rough. Swimming can also happen once plastics says it is ok. She is thrilled that she is finished with the back brace and that she can do more. We need to get one of her shoes built up to make up for the leg difference.

Hard part is all her muscles are SO weak....seriously she currently cannot sit up on her own, let alone stand. We are working with her on starting to build those muscles back up.
Since she can sit up she wanted her hair cut. Thankfully a family friend was able to come over and cut it for us. It is so short! But she is loving it and the fact that it has some natural wave to it.
Things are going well....just got to get those muscles working again!



1 comment:

  1. I LIKE the short hair cut!!! GREAT for summer!!!
    Dora Beth
