
Wednesday, July 17, 2013


A little over a week ago Maria had surgery on her eyes. She had Strabismus, but a very mild case. Since it was mild, I did let Maria have a say on if we would go a head with surgery. She stated she no longer wanted to have a crossed eye. So, the surgery was scheduled....for three weeks she had prisms on her glasses to trick her brain into thinking she had already had the surgery. By doing this, it meant that if the eye was going to cross further it would do so before surgery and she would most likely not require a second surgery.

Day of the surgery came...she was nervous. She had her favorite pink penguin with her as she attempted to negotiate getting out of the surgery. Yup, Maria argued that not having surgery should be an option (completely unlike her). It was her fears talking. She was able to tell the anesthesiologist that she didn't want to be given the gas this time to make her sleep. Instead she got some yucky tasting medicine that made her loopy very quickly.

As you can see she wasn't very excited.
She came out of surgery like a trooper. Got to even have a Popsicle.
On the way home Maria was her goofy self....the way she is when it is just the two of us....the Maria others don't usually get to see. I ended up asking my mom, who was with us, if she had ever seen Maria this way. She said no, but she wants to see this Maria again.
After care has been fairly easy with he help of another adoptive mom, Lauren, who knows eye issues. She quickly gave me some tips and tricks for the eye drops that worked great. The ointment was just a pain, it is hard to get into the eye.
Today we had the first post surgery follow up appointment. It went well. Maria is healing quickly. She can start swimming next week and her eyes look amazing!



  1. her eyes do look amazing :) and you are a AMAZING mom!!! ~ Dora Beth

  2. I'm so glad it helped... I know what a pain it can be trying to do drops on an unhappy kiddo. She looks fantastic!!! Hooray!!! PTL!
