
Sunday, February 10, 2013


So many times this week I have thought about the impact a person can have on the world. Adopting Maria meant learning about her friends. I had the pleasure of meeting Zack and with the help of many friends spread the word about his need for a family. At the same time I began to learn ore and more about J and S. Last week was full of ups and downs regarding J and S's files. The human rights worker who has been trying to help was not allowed to meet with the head of social service in Maria's city. We knew it was going to be a fight. Thankfully J and S have several momma bears who want to see them with a forever family. So, the momma bears in Bulgaria and Switzerland started doing all they could...contacting all sorts of people who might help. We finally got more here is the story: around 6 years ago (yes, 6 years) both J and S's files were sent to the MOJ, both were missing 1 document that has to come from the city's social service department. The MOJ waited for this document for 5 years and finally had to tell the city's social service department that they were sending the files back! The lady in charge at the city social service told the MOJ fine, because J and S weren't going anywhere. Anyone mad? To make matters worse we were told there are many more files in this same department that are not being handled correctly (I have been told somewhere in the ball park of 40-50)....several other children having no chance for a family. At the same time as I was hearing this information there were people from Sofia checking on J and S's cases in the city they live. I had hope that something would happen, expecting it would take months. The whole time I kept thinking of the starfish story where the child throws the garfish back into the ocean making a difference for the ones that they could.....knowing that these amazing women who are fighting for J and S are doing the same thing, trying to give them a chance! The next morning I had the most amazing email from one of the ladies....because of all the pressure it on the lady at the social service department, J and S's COMPLETE files were on their way that day to the MOJ! The MOJ has promised to register the boys as quickly as possible and get them on the waiting child list. The NGO over there has also stated as soon as the files are available she will request them and we can start looking for a family for the boys! We would all like to see these boys go to the same family because they have been together since a young age. Both have some medical needs from what I know, but nothing that limits what they can do. They are loving and caring boys...I have no doubt that they will quickly attach to a family. I'm hesitant to put their pictures up on the blog, but will share those pictures and videos with any family who is interested in adopting them.


  1. I hope and pray for an amazing family for them! Hopefully the SAME family. You are an inspiration and I am proud to call you friend!

  2. Slava Bogu! Praise God! I bet that Social Worker had not idea she was an international sensation! Isn't technology wonderful some times! Praying them home soon!
