
Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Another adoption blogger wrote a post about her realizations regarding international adopt, specifically about adopting from Bulgaria.  She is completely correct about the frustrations that waiting families face.  It also made me realize that it is important to be upfront and honest about the process with other families.  It isn't all sunshine and roses.  I know my friend Viviane is always trying to let families new to the process understand the wait, the process and the children who are being referred needs.  At times people just don't want to hear or accept what she is saying.  No matter if you plan on adopting a child with special needs or "healthy", the child is still going to have needs due to the circumstances that they have lived with in their short lives.  Medical-social homes and orphanages do try to provide children with the basics, but there are things they cannot provide to children to the degree that children need.  They just don't have the time, the staff, money or the ability to create a family type environment in these facilities.  We also know that there are some orphanages that don't compare to our worst nightmares.  Thus being said, the child will have issues that waiting families might not of planned for or expected.

Where I'm at right now....about 2 weeks ago I got an email from my agency saying that the BG agency thought that I might have court on April 9th and that they needed 3 documents notarized, apostatized and sent to BG now, since the potential court date was on Monday.  Well, I rushed around the next day and got everything together, notarized, apostatized and FedEx to the agency in BG (by the way if you haven't had the pleasure of sending things directly to BG yet it cost around $120 for a FedEx envelope).  I was told by FedEx that it should be there Monday before 6pm.  I also, per my US agency, scanned copies of the documents to them and they were forwarded to the BG agency so that they could have things translated and ready to go. 
Honestly, at this point I knew the documents were going to be there on time and I was HIGHLY frustrated that I was given very short notice of the need for these documents.  I had 2 business days to get these done and sent over and they still didn't get to the agency until 5pm that Monday night.  So, I knew that court wasn't going to happen that day.  The question was, when will my court date be.  Last week on Tuesday I got word on my court date.  Needless to say I was NOT happy at all.  My court is not until May.  I have only shared the specific date with a few people right now.  So many people are so supportive of my adopting M and are anxiously awaiting word on when I can go back and get her.  They mean well, but at times the questions about news and what is going on aren't easy on me.  They just reinforce the frustration and anger that I feel.  Yes, I feel anger.....I do not feel that it should have taken as long as it did to get a court date or that the court date should be so far out.  I am angry about the way things seem to happen at the very last moment and I am expected to drop everything to get it done.  Both agencies I am working with have done many adoptions in Bulgaria, they know what will be needed for court and could have easily let me know what was needed with more notice. 
Mostly I'm angry about what this means for M.  She is 11, she understands the process to a degree.  She has seen many friends go through the same process and is anxiously waiting for me to return for her.  In December she asked me when I would return for her.  I told her I hoped to return in April or I don't know that May will be possible.  It could be easily close to 6 months between visits!  I have no idea what this extra wait will do to M.....I have emailed her agency director letting him know what is going on and have requested that the psychologist talk with M about the potential for the wait for my return being longer.  Due to this I don't see how we will be going to the Bulgarian Adoptee's Reunion this summer, which also saddens me.  It was wonderful connecting with all the other families last year and I was excited for M to get to meet other kids who have been adopted from Bulgaria.  I was hopeful that M would get to reconnect with a friend from her orphanage that was adopted by Valerie at the reunion.  Although, Valerie and I plan on getting the girls together as soon as possible to re connect.  We are both very excited to see that reunion. 
I just keep thinking about M, waiting............... 


  1. Hello, I am a fellow Bulgarian adoptive parent. I have found your blog through another adoptive family blog list. We are also in between trips. I would love to 'compare notes' if you want to email me. I would love to know why your court date was pushed back so far if you are comfortable sharing. That is where we are in our wait.

  2. I feel your pain. Our date was pushed by the silly summer break, and it was so frustrating. We, also, pursued a child with special needs and what irritated me to no end is that they are supposed to expedite these cases and it seems to not be happening. In our case, we were not permitted any communication with our daughter during the wait. We desperately wanted to send a care package or something and it never happened. The wait was hell because we felt so powerless.

  3. I'm so sorry you are having a rough time. You are so brave and strong! Hang in there! Praying for you and M!

  4. Reality is that once you recover from adopting (over jet lag and post placement visits...) we are stronger. (And know how to pray for others adopting better.) But the whole process is so out of our control, sometimes we just have to give it over to God, as we don't see how/if it can turn out for good. (Praying for our kids during the process - I remember praying that angels would play with R., as I knew the orphanage didn't have the staff to do so. And after the process - that they can recover from their time b4 they joined our family, and survive all my parenting mistakes :) )

    Adopting, as you mentioned above, it's always "fun", but I do pray people will find it worthwhile in the long run!(But you are right, should go into the process w' both eyes open/knowing it's a long journey...)

    Dora Beth

  5. Thanks for sharing your heart and others do need to know that this is a very long process.
